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OPUS17 2019/33/B/ST5/01271
Novel nanocatalysts in the continuous - flow selective hydrogenation processes towards formation of pharmaceutical intermediates
Leader: dr habil. Anna Śrębowata Professor IChF
Institute of Physical Chemistry (IChF) Polish Academy of Sciences
I am a leader of a small team within the Spectroscopic and Microscopic (STM/AFM) Studies of Intermolecular Interactions Group.
Currently, our research efforts are focused on the application of modern nanomaterials based on transition metals as catalysts for the continuous - flow hydrogenation processes of industrial and environmental importance.
The main goal of our studies is to create a fundamental basis for the synthesis of the novel and readily available nano-catalysts:
- for the production of pharmaceutical intermediates (medicines and vitamins precursors) and fine chemicals in flow conditions,
- for continuous-flow removal of chloroorganic micropollutants from water.
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