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Project entitled: Novel nanocatalysts in the contiuous-flow selective hydrogenation processes towards formation of pharmaceutical intermediates – Project OPUS 17 –  National Science UMO-2019/33/B/ST5/01271, Leader

Project entitled: Catalytic purification of water from chloroorganic compounds – Project Sonata –  National Science UMO-2011/03/D/ST5/05516, Leader


Project entitled: Catalysis for environmental protection – new nanomaterials for catalytic conversion of 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,1,2-trichloroethene into useful and nontoxic products – Projekt POMOST – Fundation for Polish Science POMOST/2011-4/11, Leader


Project entitled: The catalytic conversion of 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichlorethylene as an example of in environmental research - Iuventus Plus 2010 043070, Leader


 -Hydrodechlorination organic compounds as an example of environmental catalysis - Project numer KBN 4 T09B 098 24 investigator

- New materials as a basis for environmentally friendly processes - Project number PBZ-KBN-116/T09/2004 investigator

- Mono- and bimetallic catalysts for hydrodechlorination of organic compounds - Project number NN 204161636 investigator

- OSCCAR’NOx. - Outils de Simulation et de Compréhension de la CAtalyse de Réduction des oxydes d’azote investigator

- Chemoselective hydrogenation of vitamins and fragrances precursors with transition metal nanoparticles grafted on resins, Project OPUS 8 National Science Centre UMO-2014/15/B/ST5/02094 investigator

-Kontrola na poziomie kwantowym reakcji katalitycznego uwodornienia na niklu za pomocą rentgenowskich laserów na swobodnych elektronach (XFELs). Reżyserowanie procesów katalitycznych (MOVIECAT) – Projekt Ideas Plus II IdP2015000164 investigator


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